- Reward Management
- Salary Surveys
- Reward Consulting
- Performance & Development
- Job Design & Job Grading
As a public organisation, you know the importance of balancing price with the quality and expertise of the services you are tendering for.
At Hudson, we are keenly aware of the regulations and contractual rules that govern public sector procurement of HR services. Within that, our collaboration with you is driven by your specific needs. This might mean, for example, drawing up a framework contract, working through a central purchasing body, or drawing up an individual contract for a specific assignment.
Our team has extensive experience of tendering procedures in a public context. We are happy to work with you to find the most suitable solution tailored to your needs. In doing so, we consult with HR experts within your institution, as well as the purchasing department and the relevant management or department heads.
From the clear minimum requirements for a tender - such as company number and VAT registration - to the setting out of testimonials and client references, and the profiles and CVs of our consultants and managers - you will find all the details you need in our tenders. And we work very hard indeed to meet your needs and answer your specific questions - to show that we know exactly what you are asking for, and that we can provide it. You will clearly see in our tenders the breadth and depth of experience, expertise, certification and languages that Hudson can provide in a public tendering context.
We substantiate all our tenders with the clear and specific needs you have on price, methodology and the resources needed. Our long and deep experience of tendering means that you get exactly what you are looking for in terms of price, quality of service and the quality of our teams.
We link the process of fair pricing to quality services. To determine a price, we work with both unit prices and volume discounts, depending on the specific needs.
Hudson’s R&D department is a world-renowned, 40-strong team that provides a rigorous scientific foundation for our methodology and tools. This, plus our focus on the quality of every single aspect of an intervention, and the way that we tailor our offering to your precise needs, means optimal quality of service.
Hudson managers and consultants have deep insight into specific public sector contexts and job levels, to go with their language knowledge, certification and expertise in selection, assessment centres, development centres, coaching, talent and organisational development and remuneration.
Submit your HR challenge to us. Together we look at how we can help you.