How character traits influence voting behavior

With the elections approaching, it is interesting to take another look at the link between personality and political preferences. At moments like these it becomes very clear that some people seek stability and tradition, while others embrace change and diversity. These differences often indicate profound conservative or progressive views, which are reflected in the positions of the political parties.

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Amelie Vrijdags

Origins of political preferences

Political preferences are often linked to factors such as upbringing, social class or personal experiences. However, research shows that there is more to it. It turns out that progressive and conservative people are not only different in political beliefs, but also in temperament. This suggests that not only our experiences, but also our personality traits play an important role in how we see the world and what political positions we take.

Diet and Politics

An interesting example of how personality affects voting behavior is the link between dietary preferences and political preferences. Research shows that people who consciously choose a vegetarian or culturally diverse diet are more likely to lean towards left-wing parties. They care about environmental awareness, diversity and social responsibility - all core values ​​of progressive movements. On the other hand, people who enjoy traditional meat and potatoes are more likely to lean towards conservative parties, reflecting their preference for stability, tradition and conventional values.

It is important to take into account that these correlations are based on statistical trends and therefore do not apply universally to all individuals. We all know an avid meat lover who makes no secret of his preference for progressive ideologies.

Whether it concerns nutrition or politics, our choices appear to be influenced by another underlying factor: our personality.

The Big Five Personality Model

To gain insight into the role of personality in voting behavior, the Big Five personality model is often used. This model divides personality traits into five dimensions:

  1. Extraversion: the extent to which someone is social and energetic.
  2. Agreeableness: Tendency to be compliant and cooperative.
  3. Emotional Stability: how resilient and emotionally balanced someone is.
  4. Openness to Experience: how curious and creative someone is.
  5. Conscientiousness: the degree of accuracy and reliability.


Personality and Political Preferences

Research shows remarkable correlations, especially in the dimensions 'Openness to Experience' and 'Conscientiousness'. Those who score high on 'Openness to Experiences' appear to lean more towards progressive ideologies, because they are open to new ideas and like to challenge the status quo. People who score high on 'Conscientiousness' are more attracted to conservative parties, where stability and personal responsibility are central.

The reason these differences arise lies in a complex interaction between genetics and environment. Although personality is partly genetically determined, this does not mean that our genes directly determine which party we vote for. Rather, they give us a subtle direction.

What does this mean for you?

When you think about your political beliefs, or when you talk to someone who holds a different opinion, it can be useful to consider the role that personality plays in this. By understanding that individual character traits play a role in shaping their worldview and political views, we may be able to better understand each other's positions. This can contribute to a more constructive dialogue, in which we look beyond polarization and together look for solutions for the future.

Hudson's BAQ: Personality Insights in the Workplace

Personality is important not only in politics, but also in the professional world. Hudson's Business Attitudes Questionnaire (BAQ), which is based on the Big Five model, provides valuable insights for employers and employees. The BAQ helps to better predict work performance, satisfaction and well-being of employees. Organizations that use the BAQ can create a better match between job requirements, expectations and personal strengths of their employees, leading to greater job satisfaction and better results.


It is clear that personality traits have an important influence on an individual's political preferences. Insights into these personality traits can also give HR professionals the opportunity to create a more inclusive workplace. By recognizing and valuing the diversity of personalities within teams, organizations can better utilize the individual strengths of their employees and thus increase cohesion and empathy in the workplace.

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